Ring Ring
/Why is the above strange re-mix going in my head? Well folks, I got a new iPhone. Sadly I somehow lost or someone stole my iPhone. I believe it was stolen or found and then used; just a gut feeling. Anyway, I NEEDED a phone. I felt so empty and alone without my phone. I'd be walking along and reach into my purse for NOTHING. Weird feeling to be out there in the world without a phone or Internet. Crazy how it is. If you told me I'd be like this in high school or around that time, I would have laughed in disbelief.
Within a few days, I was sporting a new iPhone 4 with a pink & brown case. Don't you dare say something like, "you know the iPhone 5 is probably being release this summer." No. Don't. Bup bup bup. I can't hear you. Anyway, if you always waiting for the next, new release in technology you'd never get anything.
I sent an email out to you all a couple of days ago with my new number. Josh has a new number too. We're both Seattle area codes now. It's official, I have a WA license, license plate, and phone number. Didn't get that mail?? Then let me know.
Give me a ring!!