It's Not Pulled Back

This weekend something drastic happened. My hair got chopped. Say whaattt?

That's right. Chopped. 

I had my regular hair appointment at Nola, and going in I thought I might do something slightly different. But after chatting with my hair dresser, Jen, things changed. It started with me asking what she would do if she could do anything. She asked if I was serious. I said nonchalantly (but secreting peeing my pants), "sure, I'm serious, whatever you think would look best."

Jen double checked because people always ask for her recommendation, but then give her limits - e.g. whatever you suggest, but only take off an inch, and nothing too crazy. Not much you can really do with that. So I gave her told creative freedom; do whatever, just not pixie short (I've brave, to a certain point). So, yes, I decided to BE BOLD, and just GO FOR IT.​ I went Short!

Snip Snip Snip went the scissors....​OMG OMG OMG went my brain. But in the end, it was a success.

Here's a before and after:​

​Before & After Hair

​Before & After Hair

Now it's Wednesday, and I'm still feeling good. Still getting used to it. I keep thinking it's pulled back, but when I reach back, there is no hair. It feels so cool on my neck, and I definitely need less shampoo. ​

What's that, you can't see it all. Oh, okay, here's a 360 view.

Oh and you need to see me out at lunch having fun with my hair cut. Oh, okay, here's a picture of that, too.​

​360 of the New Cut

​360 of the New Cut

At Lunch with ​New Hair

At Lunch with ​New Hair