Vote for Caleb

Vote for Caleb! 

Saying that makes me think of "Vote for Pedro" in Napoleon Dynamite. Remember that movie? Do you realize that movie was released back in 2004? Ah, I'm getting old! But that movie was quite the hit when it came out, and there are a few good quotes from it. "Vote for Pedro" was probably the most popular.

Pedro: Do you think people will vote for me?
Napoleon Dynamite: Heck yes! I'd vote for you.
Pedro: Like what are my skills?
Napoleon Dynamite: Well, you have a sweet bike. And you're really good at hooking up with chicks. Plus you're like the only guy at school who has a mustache.

But I digress...I'm asking you to vote for Caleb. I entered a photo of him in the Minted Baby Photo Contest. I think he's the cutest and would be honored if you considered voting for him, too! Here's the link to his entry:

I had a really hard time deciding which photo to enter. I could have even entered a photo that our photographer took for his newborn photos. Ultimately, I decided on this one because it I wanted to submit one of my own photos (even though our photographer is the best and her's are probably way more professional). Also, this one seemed a bit different than the majority of the other baby photos submitted. And how can you resist this smile of his? 

My mom submitted a photo of me in a grocery store baby photo contest and I won! I should get her to make it digital and I share it with you. Hopefully I can have the same story for little guy...we'll see. :)