Easter in Photos 2017
/We had a great Easter this year. Caleb was much more aware of the holiday and it was a joy to see. We did all the Easter traditions - the bunny, egg hunt, egg decorating, and yummy food.
The Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny at the Tacoma Mall wasn't quite as scary as Santa, but we did get a cry at the end. Then the Easter Bunny showed up at church and Caleb was much more interested than scared. Who is this big bunny?
Easter Bunny - at the mall, and at church
Egg Decorating
Ok, so confession: Caleb didn't help with the egg decorating. I made these during his nap. I just knew it would be messy and he wouldn't really get it this year. Next year he'll join in.
Easter Egg Decorating
Easter Egg Hunt
The Easter egg hunt started at 10am, we got there at 10:03am and it was over. Kids are c-r-a-z-y. The eggs are in piles and then it's like the Hunger Games. Caleb walked up to one egg, sat down and that was good enough for him. Then another girl gave him two eggs. Three eggs for his first egg hunt ain't half bad! Watch the video of him at the egg hunt.
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Basket
Caleb got a cute Peter Rabbit basket. Then the Easter Bunny came and give him lots of goodies. The book Dance (a Caleb fav), The Country Bunny (one of my childhood favs), a Peter Rabbit puree pouch, Bubble Bath, and Cogs water gears bath toys. Guess what he grabbed for first...the food pouch! LOL
Easter Basket & Goodies
Easter Morning
Normally I would have a trail of eggs to lead him to a room where he'll have to find his basket. That was a bit too advanced for this year, but next year: game on. It was such fun giving him the basket after church!
Easter Morning
Easter Food
We had some delicious, homemade challah as well as a carrot cake roll. Ever since I saw a cake roll on The Great British Bake-off, I wanted to make one. Verdict: delicious!
We also had Honey Baked Ham, scalloped potatoes, and asparagus for dinner. All very yummy!
Easter Challah and Carrot Cake Roll
I hope you had a great Easter!