Truths and Life
/I was just telling Josh the other day how I felt bad about my blog. I feel like I've neglected it a bunch lately...well, since Caleb was born. On top of that, it's has somewhat become a Caleb and family style blog. Not that this is bad, but maybe you're getting tired of it. I went on to talk about how I didn't know what else to write about anymore and not to mention my time feels much more limited. If I write a blog post lately, it's usually been for Hellobee. The time that I have to write is now in the evening, but by that time I just want to veg on the couch. I felt like throwing my hands up in defeat.
However, as I was walking with Caleb and Asha this afternoon, I realized I do have things to write about in this blog space. Now, tell me if I'm wrong here, but I think you enjoy posts about the foods I cook and bake - remember Baker's Corner? Or how about what books I'm reading or shows I'm watch (like when I'm vegging on the couch). Maybe you're curious about my garden (it's growing). I could also tell you about Asha's new collar. The blog will go, to find the time to write. But I have the motivation and ideas!
That was my truth, now about life. Here's some ramblings...
This article rang true for me. I'm tired.
Caleb does something everyday that cracks me up. Watch him after swim class in the YMCA locker room.
Simply Recipes is a great blog and I have yet to have a bad experience with her recipes. This Vietnamese Style Noodle Bowl looks delicious. I have a crazy obsession with noodle bowls in the summer. Please make this for me.
I have never liked kombucha until this month. I think my taste buds changed after having Caleb. I like red wine and now kombucha. What's happening to me? Specifically, I like the Rainbow Cloud kombucha and have been sipping the Rose Jasmine flavor. I feel so healthy.
I am pretty sure I am the tannest I have ever been in my entire life. I have a tan on my feet with lines for my flip flops. I should have a good store of vitamin D before we head into winter (because Winter is Coming, my friends).
I am on the eternal quest for good face lotion to use in the morning at night. I have some specific requirements - the AM lotion needs to have SPF and the PM lotion needs to help my aging face. I also don't want it to be so thin, I like to really think I'm getting moisture. Any recommendations?
I'm reading Business Boutique right now. Well see where it takes me.
We're going to Kauai this September. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Now, can somebody fly with Caleb for me and just meet me there?
I bought these leggings in the Nordstrom Anniversary sale. I have this want to be a yoga mom, apparently. But really, I want to buy all. the. things. in the Nordstrom sale.
Okay, enough jibber jabber. Fingers crossed Caleb stops teething and starts taking longer naps again so I can use nap time for "me" writing on this blog.
P.S. I fear the time when nap time ends.
P.P.S. Here are some random photos for funnsies.
Blueberries from our backyard.
I've been baking bread lately and it's delicious!
Breakfast at a new neighborhood bakery.
The broccoli is coming in my garden!
Sweet peas and roses from our garden. Blue hydrangeas from a friend's yard..