Caleb's 24 Month Update

Here we are at two years old. He's such little toddler and it warms my heart. Yesterday, he actually started to participate in the Wee Ones class at the Children's Museum. He's growing up right before our eyes. I would say these two years went by fast, but time with a baby/toddler is a a weird thing. It seems fast if I just quickly think about it. However, with further thought of all the days, all changes, the struggles, and all the joys, it also seems incredibly long. Life before Caleb seems like a different reality, a different life. Does that even make sense? I guess that's why everyone says. "the days are long but the years are short." I totally get that now. Eh, I'm getting way to deep here, I'll stop.

Well, I think I am going to retire the blocks now. My thoughtful mother-in-law gifted them to us before he was born. They were the cutest thing to do each month. I will probably break them out again at 3 years and maybe even for the school years. I was shocked for this last photoshoot that he actually stood still. It was a miracle. I told him to go stand behind the blocks and HE DID! I almost fell backwards in shock, but not before grabbing a few snaps. The moment was fleeting, but luckily I did capture a few snaps before he grabbed the camera and decided he wanted to take the photos. The lure of pushing a button is too much for a toddler dude. (And side note: Are you as happy as me to get my DSLR camera back working?).

The above & below photo collages is what happens when you can't decide which photos you like the best. For each one I think, "well that shows his [fill in the blank] side." Like this determined nature, or silliness. He's such a character!

Monthly Update

Here's everything he's done during his 23rd month. 

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year 

December was a great month full of spirit and joy. Grandma Nada and Grandpa Brown visited for Christmas. This Christmas so so much fun with Caleb. He was so excited about the tree, presents...everything. We had a great holiday season. And yes, I still need to write a blog post about Christmas. 

During Christmas, we went to the Model Train exhibit at the Tacoma History Museum. Caleb is on a serious train kick right now. Everything is choo choo. This basically blew his mind. I think it was paradise for him. 

Then Grandma Jan and Grandpa John came for New Years and Caleb's birthday. We spent New Years Eve at the Point Defiance Zoo, which also has a carousel. We had a great time together. 

He's Quite the Ham

This kid is fully of the sillies. I laugh everyday with him. I feel like these photos need captions. 

  • Caleb "drank" from the Starbucks cup ornament on the tree. 
  • Caleb decided to go into a dog bed at Petco while we waited for Asha's grooming to finish.
  • The stickers were given to him at USPS store. The lady put one on his hand. Then looked at it, smiled, and then gave her his other hand. He kept them on all day.
  • Stickers go on your face and the top of your feet...apparently.
  • Caleb enjoys sitting at the computer and pretending to type. The parental guide popped up, which I found hilarious.
  • Our oven broke (long story and frustrating). While we were at Best Buy looking at new stoves/ovens, Caleb thought it'd be fun to go inside a dryer. 
  • He will literally watch YouTube footage of trains. 
  • He makes a stink face on command. He also does this if you ask him to smile.

His Eating Habits...Mainly Cookies

I didn't give him cookies, but he suddenly developed an obsession for cookies. Everything is a cookie - crakers, circles, donuts. He is also very messy. He seems to suck on things rather than bite and chew. I'm not sure how to correct this one. Mom fail? 

Always Finding a way to Play

Wherever you are, Caleb will find a way to have fun. The store has a yoga mat, then let's lie down on it. Carts at Costco become rollercoasters. Or how about piling yogurt lids on your toy car?

Rolling with his Homies

We've made such great friends and it's such a delight to see Caleb interact with friends. He gets excited if you say we're seeing a friend, it's so cute. An older friend had a party at the local theater. We came at the end, so he had his first theater experience. He was unsure at first, but was having fun by the end. 

Those Eyes, That Smile

He has the most addictive laugh and smile. Such a joy., that's my middle name. I must have passed that on to him.

He'll wear any hat but his own

He'll wear mom's hat, dad's hat, the hat at the store...but NEVER his own hat. 

Caleb's Chalkboard 

I did this chalkboard infographic type thing for Caleb's first birthday, so here it is again!

Now we're living the life with a two year old. Hold on tight, it's gonna be a wild ride!