Another Birthday

Honestly, I don't feel older. I also don't feel like I'm really an adult although all evidence points to it - married, house, baby, dog, no longer stay up late. Then again, I drive by the college, or worse a high school, and I see how freaking young the students are...and it's at that point I realize I am an adult and I am in fact older. Oh, and then I go on to complain about said college kid like, "look at how short that girls shorts are!" or something like that. Yea, I'm getting older. 

But that doesn't stop my from celebrating and enjoying the birthday fun. I'm always down for a weekend that's dedicated to doing and eating all the things I want to do (let's ignore how selfish and spoiled that sounds, mm-k?). This year I shared my birthday with all the dad's as it fell on Father's Day. I'm generous like that. 

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Cooking in the Summer Heat: 4 Methods + 8 Recipes

Ugh, summer heat. Sweat. Sticky. HOT! If you can’t tell, I don’t take the heat very well. I grew up in San Diego and it’s like anything under 65 is cold and anything over 78 is too hot. Now, I live in the Pacific Northwest and I’ve adapted a bit to the rainy, cold season. The summers are pretty awesome, but we always seem to get a few days were the heat is too much. And since we only have a few days of it every year, nobody invests in air conditioning. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE summer, but those super hot days can be rough.

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70th Celebrations and SD Sunshine

Ahh, sunny San Diego. Look at that: the sun, the ocean, the palm trees...but most importantly it's where my parents live. If you didn't know already, I grew up in Encinitas, CA and still get to visit since my parents live in San Marcos. Last week we headed down to celebrate my dad's 70th birthday. We had a great time and I especially appreciate the extra help with the little guy. 

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Caleb's 17 Month Update

Gosh, the way time is moving these days Caleb is going to be 18 months before I even get his 17 month post live. But luckily, I'm not that far behind. Whew! This mama needs some spare minutes in her life. #momlife #lifewithatoddler

Caleb has picked up speed and is now practically running these days. He gets into all sorts of mischief. Climbing, putting things in his month, running the opposite direction from me, and being a total goof are his favorite things. Exhibit A: the only way to get his 17 month block photos was while he was stomping on the coffee table. Only for the photos (or, that's what I tell myself).

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Trying On Trendsend

Over the past few years, subscription clothing services have cropped up online everywhere. They are a great option for anyone that cannot always find time to get to the mall to go shopping or for those that dislike shopping for clothes (which I could never understand). The first time I really heard about this type of service was with StitchFix. I heard about this pre-Caleb days so finding my way to the mall wasn’t particularly hard. Even so, I was intrigued by the idea and wanted to try it out. What drew me was the idea of someone stylish helping pick out outfits for me and choosing items that I may not have picked out on my own.

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A Lovely Mother's Day

I sometimes just can't believe I am a mother. It's just so amazing to look at Caleb and know he's my son. He is the light of my life and brings me such joy. Being a mother has been the hardest, but most rewarding thing in my life. Caleb brings a whole new, wonderful layer to our lives. I love being a family! I feel so honored to be part of the motherhood club.  

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Caleb's 16 Month Update

Boom! Another month. Craziness. And I think it's time we officially call Caleb a toddler. Why do I say this now? Because he's officially toddling. This month he got up and started walking. Yea, sure, he'd been taking steps, but he started to put those steps into much, much longer stretches. I think he just needed to realize he can walk because he won't stop - he's like the energizer bunny the way he just keeps going and going. 

And he just keeps getting cuter. Or, maybe that a mother's eye and the fact that she now gets sweet, big hugs. *Heart swells* My little boy is growing up so fast!

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Baker's Corner: Easy Apple Strudel

This is how I imagine the conversation between you, the reader, and this Baker's Corner blog post:

Reader: "My my my, it's been a while. I've almost forgotten about you, you little Baker's Corner, you. And now you're showing your face here again. You ought to be embarrassed. But...I suppose, if you have something special to share then we can let it pass...just this once."

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Portland Mini-Trip: Foodie Edition

I confess...I am a foodie.

I know this might sound good, but I have always have felt slightly embarrassed to admit to being a foodie. Which got me thinking...why? After some thought, I guess it comes down to my need for everyone to like me and that as a foodie someone might think I'm a food snob. But really, it just means I like food. I like eating it, cooking it, baking it, reading about it, researching it, talking about it, photographing it...just like a hobby. Nothing to be ashamed of, right? I hope you agree. 

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Caleb's 14 Month Update

I am a bit behind on getting this post up, but what's new. That's the way of life these days with a baby/toddler. Yea, that's right, I haven't quite committed myself to calling him a toddler, yet. Not until he's toddling on his own, or that's what I'm saying now. 

So, 14 months. I say this every month,! Life is crazy. He's definitely growing and learning, though, and it's amazing to watch. For one, look at his hair. It's really coming in now. The first haircut might be a while still, but there is so much more hair then just a few months ago.

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Tacoma Explorations: Salmon Beach

One of my favorite things about my relationship with Josh is the fun we have exploring together. I had an adventurous spirit before meeting him, but it's so much more fun with your best friend. 

With moving to Tacoma, we've had the opportunity to explore our new town. You may remember my earlier post on my first few Tacoma explorations. The explorations have continued, and just last weekend I was at the salon when my hair gal mentioned she lived on Salmon Beach. Neither Josh nor I had heard of this place, but it sounded cool. So the next day, we hopped in the car to check it out.

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Happy Valentine's Day 2017

Happy Valentine's Day! I love to celebrate this holiday because it's just a great reminder to give thanks to those you love and appreciate in your life. Tonight I'm making a special meal for Josh and I to enjoy together. It'll be this pork tenderloin, butternut squash gratin, brussels sprouts, and finishing it all with these brownies

And I've been enjoying my day with my little sweetheart. Can you believe this was him last year? Ahh, my heart. And here he is today. What a huge difference. He is still, and will always be, my Valentine cutie. 

I hope you're treating yourself and your loved ones today. Hugs to you all! 

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Caleb's 13 Month Update

It's Caleb's monthly birthday time again - a bit late to blogging about it, but better late than never. On February 2nd, he turned 13 months old. Being one year old was sooo last month. ;) I don't even know if I can call him a baby anymore. Waaahhh. He's really in an in-between stage of baby and toddler. I'm inventing a new word: baddler! Eh, sounds like bald, and he's no longer bald. Definitely growing hair these days. Let's just say he's a baby still, okay?

No more stickers, but we still have the blocks. I have the one photo there to show off his hair and the cute little curl thing he has going. You can see a fun new game he's made called "crawl over the dog" (or under works, too).

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A Look Back: Christmas 2016

At long last I'm getting to the Christmas look back post. Let's just say I waited to post it to build excitement and anticipation, sound good? ;) Just go with it. 

Luckily, I didn't leave you totally hanging. I did share some Christmas season happenings and our Christmas letter with you. Hopefully that tied you over until this one. So let's jump into it. 

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