Here I am again. Finally. Everyday I say to myself, "today is the day I'll get to a blog post." But then I get distracted by diapers, feedings, crying, tummy time, groceries, dinner, dog walks, dinner get the idea.
So, today I'm going to share some more about little Caleb. I promise this blog isn't going to just become a Baby Caleb blog, but it will certainly include much, much more about him. Think about life basic centers around the little man now 24/7 (watch this video, #worldstoughestjob). I totally understand now why mom's Facebook and Instagram accounts are all photos of their babies/kids (Exhibit A: my Instagram is all Caleb these days. #SorryNotSorry). You are constantly with them; its just the two of you, plus you are in love with the him/her, so what else do you do but take photos. Lots and lots of photos. I just counted the photos in my photo library and it's 1,010. That's just two months of his life. I think I'll need to get a new computer or external hard drive at this rate.
Today I'm going to rewind and tell you a bit about the day Caleb was born. I'll keep it PG, don't worry, and do the abridged version. My full version is probably pages long since for me it was probably the craziest day of my life.
It all started at dinner on New Year's Day - I was 37 weeks & 5 days pregnant. We were eating at The Ballard Annex when I started to feel some cramps. I remembered my mom mentioning contractions feeling like cramps. But I thought to myself this is way too early for labor, these must be false contractions (but secretly I started to freak out just a bit inside). I mentioned it to Josh and he (also secretly freaking out inside) asked if there was any pattern. I couldn't tell, so I tried to start to track it to see.
When we got home, we packed our hospital bag and put in the car seat...just in case. These were things we were planning to do that weekend, but the "cramps" motivated us a bit more. The "cramps" didn't stop by 10pm, and I thought there may have been a chance that my water broke earlier that day, so I called the on-call doctor. She wasn't sure of my status from the call, so they had me go into the hospital.
They assessed my situation and determined that I was having slight contractions, but they could go away and I could not have the baby for a few days or if he did come it wouldn't be until at least a full day away. So they sent me home with a shot to help with contractions and let me sleep better.
I woke up around 3am shaking uncontrollably, so we headed back in. Again, they assessed and said I was only 1 cm dilated and it wouldn't be at least until the following evening. But, they let me sleep there for a bit to get some rest.
Around 7am, we were out of the hospital again and headed home. I was still having contractions, but they were bareable so we made a stop at the coffee shop for a latte and treat. When we got home, I just chilled on the couch ready to deal with a long labor.
Then at 11am the glider chair delivery guys called saying they were on their way. I headed to the bedroom to get out of the way since they chair was going to be in the living room. As they were delivering it, my water broke. Then the pain hit me. Josh dealt with the chair and we were on our way to the hospital - for reals - this time.
The drive to the hospital felt like an eternity but really only took 5 minutes (thank goodness the Ballard bridge wasn't up as that would have been disastrous). As we walked to the Labor & Delivery center, I paused on the skybridge bracing myself - omg, this is pain. I was in another world, and Josh had to convince me to keep moving. But we made it to the center and I was ready. Yup, I was ready to deliver the little man pretty much as soon as we arrived.
We were rushed to a room and things started (skipping details to keep this PG). I asked for an epidural - please, oh please - but apparently it was too late to be any good. WHAT?! So, yea, no epidural my friends and an hour later - at 12:39pm on 1/2 to be exact - Caleb was in my arms.