A Most Wonderful Year: Merry Christmas 2018
/Dear Family and Friends,
Merry Christmas! This year has be pretty magical and full of cheer. We feel so very blessed.
Read MoreDear Family and Friends,
Merry Christmas! This year has be pretty magical and full of cheer. We feel so very blessed.
Read MoreJosh, Caleb, and I are proud to introduce you to our newest addition to the family, Wesley Jackson Brown. Wesley was born on Friday, December 7th, 2018 at 3:31pm. He came into the world weighing 6 pounds, 10 ounces and at 19 inches tall. We couldn’t be happier to have this new, sweet bundle of joy.
Wesley is already showing his individuality from his brother by arriving past his due date as opposed to over two weeks early like his big brother. In fact, I had to be induced! I’m going to write the whole story sometime soon, but for now I wanted to share some the moments we’ve had so far with Wesley.
Read MoreYou are reading that title correctly. Soon there will be FOUR Browns in this family. Josh, Heather, Caleb, and....another little boy! Baby Boy Brown #2 is expected sometime late November or early December -- official due date is December 2nd, 2018 (we'll see!).
Read MoreCan you believe it?! My little baby boy is two! TWO!!!! Of course, we had to celebrate with fun, friends, family, and treats.
Poor guy, he basically has a holiday birthday. He was born January 2nd, so he's not quite a New Year's baby, but for me it all started on New Year's day so I say it counts. By his birthday, everyone is burnt out from Christmas and New Years. But this mom won't let the fun stop until after we party for his birthday! In fact, we celebrated twice - once on his actual birthday and again with friends at his party.
Read MoreNow we're celebrating six years together (eh hem, that isn't counting all the years of dating either). But, these have been the best six years of my life! So much has happened these years - married, job changes, paid off debt, got a dog, moved, bought a house, pregnant, and a baby!
Read MoreToday marks the one year anniversary of moving into our first home as well as our move down to Tacoma. I'd like to say I got some awesome pictures of the whole family in front of our house to commemorate the occasion, but Caleb was already down by the time Josh got home. And this mom ain't pushing back bedtime for a photo.
Read MoreInconceivable! Hmm, "I do not think it means what you think it means." Okay, Heather, that was nerdy.
But seriously...oh.my.gosh Caleb is 1 year old now. It really does seem inconceivable sometimes. Yet, here we are with practically a toddler now. Generally I would launch into how quickly the year has gone by and yada yada. In reality though, sure it went fast, but parts of it went extremely slow. Like those nights where you wake up every three hours. That seemed slow. Or the days where he was Mr. Fussy pants and was all crankiness most likely due to who-knows-what -- sick, teething, tummy ache, it's a toss up sometimes. Yea, that all seemed slow.
Read MoreIt’s been big year for our family, full of blessings and changes!
People tell you that having a baby changes your life and before it happens you think “yea yea, sure, I get it.” However, you don’t truly understand what they mean until you actually have a baby of your own.
Now, we understand. The change is huge, but wonderful. We feel so blessed to have Caleb in our lives. Josh and I often look at each other and try to remember life before Caleb, and it’s now all seems like a lifetime ago.
Caleb joined our family at the start of the year. He was very close to being a New Years baby and was born January 2, 2016. Although, it all did start on New Years day when we were out to dinner. People like to joke that we missed the tax benefit…that was the furtherest thing from our minds, haha. He came early and quickly, and he’s been on the go ever since. Caleb is almost a year old now and is non-stop energy and fun. We love his curious and observant nature. Soon he’ll be walking and his mama will be running.
If you want to see him grow, here’s the posts from this year: birth, welcome, newborn photos, firsts, two months, three months, four months, five months (and another), six months, seven months, eight months, nine months, ten months, and eleven months.
When I said it was a big year for us, I really meant it. Not only did we welcome Caleb to the world, but we also bought our first home in a new town. We were thrilled to be able to find a cute home in Tacoma, WA. Tacoma is just about 30 miles southwest of Seattle. It’s smaller than Seattle, but very family oriented and we are enjoying exploring a new area. It’s been fun being first time home owners and definitely a change from renting. No more calling the landlord if an issue comes up! The home was move-in ready, perfect since taking on renovations with a baby sounded a bit terrifying. We do hope to make some updates to it in the future to really make it our style.
Asha is two years old now. She is the goofiest dog Josh and I have ever had. She’s been through changes this year with a baby to contend with and a new home. Luckily, she gets a backyard to roam and later on, a kid to play with. But for now she’s happy to curl up on her mat and just be near the family.
She did go to doggie boot camp this fall and is now can walk off-leash with us and play at the park without running off. She’s definitely the biggest rascal we’ve had and look forward to her mellowing out (in a lovable way).
More changes with jobs, too. I didn’t return to work after having Caleb, so I am officially a stay-at-home mom. I like to think of myself as Director of Home Operations. It’s amazing how much work staying at home is, but it’s totally worth it. This commercial captures it perfectly! That said, I have enjoyed seeing Caleb’s development and being able spend my days with him. Also, I have picked up writing for a pregnancy and parenting site called HelloBee.
Josh is on his fourth year with Logic 20/20, a business and technology consulting firm. He still is project-based and goes where his client is located. Mainly, he’s been going to Tukwila, which is lucky since it’s halfway between Seattle and Tacoma. Mostly, his projects remain technology centered and the work keeps him very busy.
Big trips weren’t in the cards this year given a baby and new home, but we managed a few getaways to the grandparents. We took Caleb down to San Diego to visit Grandma and Grandpa O’Neill in June and then in October we went to Ivins, UT to visit Grandma and Grandpa Brown. Caleb was a pretty good flier and thankfully the passengers surrounding us were all very friendly and nice (and patient). Otherwise, we enjoyed mini-day trips like the pumpkin patch or just around town in between nap time.
We've enjoyed some visitors as well from both grandparents and Aunt Lindsay. And you’re always welcome to visit the Pacific Northwest! We love having people over.
We feel so blessed with all that have come to us this year. We are excited as we head into 2017 to see what adventures life will bring. We hope you are enjoying the holiday season. Cheers to our loving family and friends.
Josh, Heather, Caleb, and Asha
Today we celebrate our fifth anniversary. Can you believe it? It seems like just the other day, yet so much has happened over the past five years. I'm not going to get all mushy, but I do have to say that I love Josh more than ever. I sure found a keeper!
I love to look back at the wedding photos and remember what a great day it was. Such wonderful memories and such a wonderful day.
To celebrate we ate leftovers (ha! there's having a baby for you). HOWEVER, I did manage to make a pumpkin pie with graham cracker crust. This was one of the pies we had at the wedding. It's the one we did the "feeding the other a bite" at the wedding. Having pie instead of cake was one of the best decisions of our marriage. Just kidding, or maybe not...
And here we are today. Yup, with an addition to our crew, Caleb. He's 9 months next week - I'll write about that in my next post probably.
We are officially first time homeowners. Yay! It's a wonderful feeling to finally have a place to call our own. We feel so grown-up. Never in our wildest dreams did we imagine being able to get such an adorable first time home.
Also, it's pretty awesome to be able to sit on the couch and say, "hey, we should paint that wall" and we don't have to ask permission. I'm sure there is the flip side to that, like when something breaks, but whatever...WE HAVE A HOME!
We landed in Tacoma, WA, which is about 32 miles southwest of Seattle. We're still near Puget Sound, too. In fact, we're only about a mile from the waterfront. And, we get views of Mount Rainier - even better views since we're closer to it. We are in the North End area, which we hear is the "place to be" - it's growing and an up-and-coming area.
We decided on Tacoma for a few reasons. For one, it's is much, much, much more affordable to buy a home here than in Seattle. Right now, the Seattle market is absurdly ridiculous and we just couldn't justify buying there - it totally priced us out. Another reason is that Tacoma is much more of a family oriented town. We could envision Caleb riding his bike on the less busy, bigger streets here...it was a nice picture. Also, we've heard many people say that the Tacoma area is growing and it's getting all the Seattle overflow. We can still head to Seattle when we want since it just up the road. Best of both worlds.
Josh has a bit longer of a commute, and I need to find some new support systems for moms & babies but we think this will be a great place for Caleb to grow up. We are still unpacking (it's slow with a baby), so I'll share pictures down the road. For now, here's some from the real estate listing.
It's four bedrooms and two baths, so we have much more space. There is also a backyard with some beautiful flowers and a garden. I'm going to do my best to not kill the flowers. The neighborhood is quiet and near Point Defiance park and zoo, but also not a far drive to the waterfront or downtown Tacoma. We couldn't be more thrilled.
Come visit!!!!!
Here I am again. Finally. Everyday I say to myself, "today is the day I'll get to a blog post." But then I get distracted by diapers, feedings, crying, tummy time, groceries, dinner, dog walks, dinner prep...you get the idea.
So, today I'm going to share some more about little Caleb. I promise this blog isn't going to just become a Baby Caleb blog, but it will certainly include much, much more about him. Think about it...my life basic centers around the little man now 24/7 (watch this video, #worldstoughestjob). I totally understand now why mom's Facebook and Instagram accounts are all photos of their babies/kids (Exhibit A: my Instagram is all Caleb these days. #SorryNotSorry). You are constantly with them; its just the two of you, plus you are in love with the him/her, so what else do you do but take photos. Lots and lots of photos. I just counted the photos in my photo library and it's 1,010. That's just two months of his life. I think I'll need to get a new computer or external hard drive at this rate.
Today I'm going to rewind and tell you a bit about the day Caleb was born. I'll keep it PG, don't worry, and do the abridged version. My full version is probably pages long since for me it was probably the craziest day of my life.
It all started at dinner on New Year's Day - I was 37 weeks & 5 days pregnant. We were eating at The Ballard Annex when I started to feel some cramps. I remembered my mom mentioning contractions feeling like cramps. But I thought to myself this is way too early for labor, these must be false contractions (but secretly I started to freak out just a bit inside). I mentioned it to Josh and he (also secretly freaking out inside) asked if there was any pattern. I couldn't tell, so I tried to start to track it to see.
When we got home, we packed our hospital bag and put in the car seat...just in case. These were things we were planning to do that weekend, but the "cramps" motivated us a bit more. The "cramps" didn't stop by 10pm, and I thought there may have been a chance that my water broke earlier that day, so I called the on-call doctor. She wasn't sure of my status from the call, so they had me go into the hospital.
They assessed my situation and determined that I was having slight contractions, but they could go away and I could not have the baby for a few days or if he did come it wouldn't be until at least a full day away. So they sent me home with a shot to help with contractions and let me sleep better.
I woke up around 3am shaking uncontrollably, so we headed back in. Again, they assessed and said I was only 1 cm dilated and it wouldn't be at least until the following evening. But, they let me sleep there for a bit to get some rest.
Around 7am, we were out of the hospital again and headed home. I was still having contractions, but they were bareable so we made a stop at the coffee shop for a latte and treat. When we got home, I just chilled on the couch ready to deal with a long labor.
Then at 11am the glider chair delivery guys called saying they were on their way. I headed to the bedroom to get out of the way since they chair was going to be in the living room. As they were delivering it, my water broke. Then the pain hit me. Josh dealt with the chair and we were on our way to the hospital - for reals - this time.
The drive to the hospital felt like an eternity but really only took 5 minutes (thank goodness the Ballard bridge wasn't up as that would have been disastrous). As we walked to the Labor & Delivery center, I paused on the skybridge bracing myself - omg, this is pain. I was in another world, and Josh had to convince me to keep moving. But we made it to the center and I was ready. Yup, I was ready to deliver the little man pretty much as soon as we arrived.
We were rushed to a room and things started (skipping details to keep this PG). I asked for an epidural - please, oh please - but apparently it was too late to be any good. WHAT?! So, yea, no epidural my friends and an hour later - at 12:39pm on 1/2 to be exact - Caleb was in my arms.
First Days at the hospital
Caleb was born a happy, healthy, little baby at 5 Ib, 5.9 oz. The next day was pretty routine, but when it came time to start the discharge process there was a hiccup. Caleb failed the car seat test - required for smaller, early babies. Apparently his heart rate dipped a few times while in the car seat. This turned into a four hour monitoring of him in the car seat, which resulted in more heart rate dips coupled with some dips in oxygen.
We were transferred to the Special Care nursery to investigate the issue. Monitors were hooked up and we spent the next couple days running tests and Caleb on 24 hour monitoring. By Wednesday, things were looking much better, and it was determined it was just him being a wee bit premie. He passed the car seat test, and by Wednesday evening we were home sweet home.
Days in the Special Care Nursery
We walked into the house after five days in the hospital and looked at each other and said, "now what!?" We have a baby! Ahhh!
First days at home
I would love to introduce to you our son, Caleb. You might recall my due date being mid-January...well, he decided to join this world a bit early on Saturday, January 2nd, taking both Josh and I a bit by surprise. We were released from the hospital on Wednesday after a few days in the special care nursery due to some heart rate concerns. Fortunately, he proved to be healthy and we headed home to start our new life as a family.
Now, he is already a week old - can you believe it?! Josh and I are still settling down and figuring out the parenting thing, but Caleb has already captured our hearts.
I'll share more details with you soon since writing a whole post right now is probably not going to happen given I keep starting a task and only halfway completing it and/or falling asleep. So for now I wanted to share some photos from the hospital.
And a few more...
Isn't he the cutest? Expect many more photos of this little dude. ;)
First, happy 2016! I can't believe its here already. But before we head into the new year, let's do a quick look back on 2015.
If you're an Instagram junkie, then you most likely heard of the 2015 Best Nine. It's a site that picks your top photos from 2015. I did it and it gave me this collage, or just see it below.
While I like the collage it created, I felt I could make a collage that better captured our year. Here's what I came up with instead.
This collage captures 2015 highlights - the pregnancy, the new rental home, our little pup, the trip to the South, my baking and blog, and family for the holidays.
2015 was such a wonderful year. I can't believe all that happened, but 2016 is going to be even BIGGER! I can't wait for all the exciting adventures 2016 will bring.
My only 2016 resolution is have this little baby and figure out how to raise him!
Happy New Years!!!!
This year has been especially momentous - we moved to a new place, got a puppy, and now we're expecting! To celebrate, we went out to a romantic dinner at Eden Hill in Queen Anne. It was delicious! My favorites were the sugar pumpkin gnocchi and ricotta donut for dessert. Food is always a good way to celebrate.
And because I can't help myself, I looked at our wedding photos again last night. Here's one that seems to capture the love.
Cheers! And here's to another year!
Josh and I have enjoyed many new adventures this year:
Towards the beginning of the year we moved into a rental house in Magnolia a real house with a yard and no shared walls.
Shortly after moving, we got our little Asha puppy.
And now, we want to share the biggest of them all...
Wait for it...
Here's a hint: it involves a bump.
(well, Asha just pawed me and reminded me it actually going to be four).
Oh man, it feels so good to share the news. Finally!
Little Baby Boy Brown is expected to join our family in mid-January 2016. I'm sure you have many questions. (guess what? so do we!)
Let's see if I can at least answer some of your questions.
Unsurprisingly, we're psyched and thinking a lot about babies now. Pretty much 110% of my thoughts are about babies (especially our baby). I get to compare the baby to a fruit each week. Last week he was a peach, and this week a lemon!
We contemplated some other ways to share the news in pictures. Our friend Aaron Smith was kind enough to take them for us.
Because of my love of baking, we thought of saying there is a bun in the oven:
Also, we got this cute little onesie with a heart in Seattle. Pretty darn cute. Ha, with the one photo below, you can see why Asha wasn't included in most of the shots. In fact, after that shot, the little rascal got lose and ran in circles like a crazy dog.
We are so ecstatic about this baby that we're jumping up and down!
I'll be sure to keep you up-to-date on all the news.
I've been debating as to whether to write this post or not. Ultimately, as you can see, I decided to write it. You may have been wondering why my blog has been so silent lately. Well, the reason is that I've been grieving since my grandma passed away the week before last. While we knew it was bound to happen, especially since she's been slowly going down hill, it nonetheless hit me pretty hard when it really happened.
I was really close to my grandma. She made a point of making such close relationships with all her children and grandchildren. She was the quintessential grandma - sweet, kind, loving, and had that cute grandma hair cut (you know, the one that required going to the salon about once a week). I have such fond memories of our time together over the years. She visited us often out in Encinitas and we spend many hot summer days out in Chicago. She even came out for many Christmas and Easter holidays. So she never really seemed far away.
As she was with me, she was with others - always there. And there was no doubt of the love and connections she made over her lifetime as I witnessed the hundreds that showed up to pay their respect over the course of the two days when I was in Chicago last week for the wake and funeral. I felt so honored to be her granddaughter.
I have some many good memories with my Grandma Ruth. Here's just a few...the list goes on and on.
If you knew Grandma Ruth, I'd love to hear your memories in the comments!
Also, I created a video full of photos of Grandma. As a longer term project (I had to put this together pretty fast), I hope to make a book full of photos of her. If you have any, please send them my way.
If you'd like to download this video, go to the video on Vimeo. There should be a button to download underneath the video. If you have any troubles, please let me know.
“You are not forgotten, loved one
Nor will you ever be,
As long as life and memory last
We will remember thee.
We miss you now, our hearts are sore.
As time goes by we’ll miss you more.
Your loving smile, your gentle fact,
No one can fill your vacant place. ”
Lastly, here is her Obituary.
Allow me to introduce the newest member of the Brown family, Asha! We got her on Friday and we've spent the weekend getting to know each other. She is the sweetest, most adorable puppy. Don't you think?
Photo courtesy of Valerie, Asha's foster mom
It's the eyes that melt my heart. Those eyes! It's so HARD to say no to those eyes.
I first saw Asha when my old co-worker posted a few pictures of her to Instagram - like this one. The cuteness was overwhelming! I didn't realize she needed a home until one photo caption said, "Somebody please adopt this little thing." Of course, I said, "I will, I will!"
One criteria for our new home was a place that allowed dogs and ideally had a yard. And we got it! Maybe we hurried into it a bit consider she came to into the family after our second week at our new digs (and not quite all the way unpacked), but I've said it already...how can you say no to those adorable, soul-searching eyes?
Asha comes from PAWS, which is a great animal shelter and organization. They were great to work with. In fact, they wanted us to take her last Friday (our first week in the new home), but we felt we weren't quite ready with the house yet. So, they found a place for her to stay an extra week. Then we arranged to meet her to ensure it was a "go," and it was love at first sight!
First Meeting Asha
She comes from a shelter down in California, so she's a Seattle transport...just like us! When we first asked her foster mom what breed, she said Asha was a lab mix with maybe some pit. Her PAWS papers said mastiff mix. Then her papers from California indicated mastiff/pit mix. I think she probably has a bit of each! Whatever she is, we love her.
Our first, full day with her was Saturday. It was a beautiful, sunny day. We got to spent lots of time playing and walking her.
Asha with her dog-parents
You might be wondering now about her name. We didn't pick it, but we decided to keep it. Asha derived from sanskrit means hope, wish, or desire. I thought it fitting with my first dog named Faith. And then I was really hoping and desiring a doggie FOREVER. Seemed like Asha was meant to be.
She was a perfect angel on the ride to her new home. She didn't yelp or bark, but just looked out the window or at us. Our first morning, we took her in the car to a nearby coffee shop. Again, she was just ready for the ride. I have a feeling we'll be taking her around with us...everywhere.
First Car Rides
We've had some great playtimes out in the backyard. She loves her kong and the tennis ball. She been pretty good on walks, but she definitely got some puppy training ahead of her.
Playtime and Walks
Monday was the first workday with her. I decided to work from home to ease her into the new routine we had planned. It turned out, my assistant just slept on the job the whole time. It's hard to find good help these days.
Sleeping on the Job
We've been trying our best to follow Caesar's best advice for raising the perfect pup. It ain't easy! He makes it sound so simple. We'll be signing up for some training soon. Luckily, her foster moms got her pretty much housebroken and crate trained. We just have to continue the training. And the chewing has been kept to just toys so far (knock on wood). She really is a good puppy.
So this is our life for a while - puppy, work, puppy, eat, work, puppy, work on the house, puppy, sleep. But we're loving it!
Josh, Asha, and our living room
Oh hi, yes I'm home. I may have been silent lately on my blog, but I've been waging war here on the home front. It's Josh and me against the boxes. At first I thought the boxes were winning, but we shall win the war.
Still have no idea what I'm talking about? Well, we moved! We are now in the new (rental) home! A real, grown-up home. With no shared walls, just us and the home....and unpacking. I'm sure as you all know, this is a challenge and a pain. All the boxes scare me. The basement really scares me as that's our hidden, un-organized space. See what I mean:
Luckily, the end result is rewarding. Or at least, that's what I keep telling myself. HA!
But seriously, we're loving the new home. I LOVE that we have a dishwasher. I play this game - pick up an item and then ask myself: "Can this go in the dishwasher?" It's awesome.
We also now have a washer and dryer. When I did the laundry the other day, I took something out of the drier and realized it was still damp. You know what I did? I put it back in. No big deal. It's awesome.
Not to mention, it's a HOME. A real home and a yard. Guess what's next...a dog!
So we now live in Magnolia. It's darling, quite and just a great neighborhood. There is Discovery Park just around the corner. We also have some pretty darn good views. All in all, I can we are pretty pleased.
A tour of the house is yet to come. I'm waiting until it's a bit more presentable. For now, enjoy a photo of the front of the house...
Yay! Live is good...and busy...but good for sure!
Monday marked our three year anniversary.* Boy, does time fly! To think three years ago I was on my honeymoon (oh man, what I wouldn't give to be there right now!). Our three years has been great and we're still as much in love as we were on our wedding day (and I would venture to say even more).
*We have been together since 2003. So actually...it's been more like 11 years.
Here's a few shots of our past three years together since everyone loves a picture.
2 years. {post}
1 year. {post}
The Beginning. {post}
And for our anniversary, Josh had some beautiful flowers delivered to me at work. We also celebrated with a delicious dinner at Stoneburner. Three cheers for three years!
I woke up on June 18th feeling a year older. Okay, that's really not true. But people like to ask you that on your birthday - sillies. If you ask me this whole getting older thing is weird...I really don't feel all that much older. Am I supposed to feel older? Maybe I do sometimes - like when I have a hard time stay up on New Years. This list actually sums it up pretty well.
I really don't mind birthdays. In fact, I love them. You get all the attention. Eat where you want. Go where you want. Get presents. It's a celebration of YOU. Soak it up. Enjoy it. Yay for being born. That's my birthday philosophy.
And here some of the food and drink we enjoyed. A tasty snap pea brusetta and a yummy cocktail.
So that was pretty nice. But then the weekend after my birthday, we did a even bigger food and drink excursion. We went out to Capitol Hill to Terra Plata for a romantic birthday dinner. Before dinner, we got some lovely cocktails at a speakeasy bar, Knee High Stocking Company. One of those places that you should have a reservation to (oops!) and you have to ring the doorbell. With true, classic bartenders (those that make bartending their career). I had two drinks - I tell you, I'm wild and crazy at this age...
Then, as happy as a clam (remember those two drinks), we headed to dinner at Terra Plata. We sat out on the rooftop patio, which was oh-so-nice. I felt special since they printed "Happy Birthday Heather" on our menus.
We really enjoyed the patio.
And we enjoyed the food - some halibut (for the hell of it), and some roasted pig. Oh and our appetizer of roasted grapes with goat cheese. Nom nom nom. And then we finished it all off with one of my favorites, macarons.
And that was one fine birthday. Now I'm ready to face another year.
Thanks to everyone for the love on my birthday. xo, heather
Merry Christmas! Please go here to read our 2024 Christmas Letter.
I love Christmas movies. I watch the same ones every year, you know, the classics like A Muppets Christmas Carol and Elf. I kid. I also enjoy It's A Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street. What's your favorite Christmas movie?
This letter could be like watching a movie: the story of our 2023. Grab a hot cocoa and a blanket, and I'll tell you this year's story.
The Christmas songs are playing, the movies are being watched, we are snuggled with books before bedtime…Christmas has arrived here at the Brown family home. While this year (and even more so, last year) has been a bit masked of normalcy (see what I did there), we still have had a most wonderful year. A year full of growth, love, learning, goofy dancing, and ninja moves.
We are still loving our home in Tacoma with our two boys and crazy dog. We've lived in Tacoma for five years now, and there is no doubt it's home sweet home to us now. We have built some strong friendships that we know will last a lifetime. We are truly happy here!
Well, this year sure hasn't been a walk in the park. It has definitely had some hardships, and our heart goes out to everyone who has experienced tragedy.
But it's also been an amazing and blessed year for our family. And the truth is, we've taken many walks in the park; it was one of the few things that kept us sane during lockdowns with two crazy kiddos.